Wednesday, February 9, 2011

HMSHORE - Inappropriate, Offensive, and Invasive

CONCERNING HMSHORE -- Has anyone else been victimized by username "hmshore"? Some time ago, we were verbally attacked by this individual over the usage of a word that hmshore took completely out of context. hmshore did so on our personal website... We do not know the individual, nor have we ever had any contact with them before. Honestly, being that it was our personal website, the attack felt very invasive. It really felt like our private lives had been rudely invaded and by a random person that was vindictive and bent on creating contention and stirring up controversy.  I cannot imagine that they do not have such purpose in mind, because their comment on our website had nothing to do with the actual meaning of our post. It was taken out of context, off base, and inappropriate. With such facts in consideration, it is unreasonable for someone to have attacked us personally (and, again, we have NO idea who they are) without intending some form of malicious conflict.

Needless to say, I was left in tears after reading the comment. I promptly deleted it, but the words left me feeling so victimized that it kept me depressed for several days. I have since done research on hmshore, and found out that they have victimized numerous others as well. Reading the posts that the malicious comments were left on, I soon discovered that all the other victims were mistreated and attacked out of context as well.

So, who is this hmshore??? And why are they so intent on creeping into peoples' lives with only controversy and viciousness in mind?

If you have been attacked by hmshore also, accept my heartfelt sympothy. I am sorry you were a target as well.

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